Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mobile Application testing Scenarios

Test Scenario

What platforms should this product work on?

What is the app supposed to do?

What happens if I do this?

Where to Start testing

What information exists? Specifications? Project conversations? User documentation? Knowledgeable team members? Could the support forum or an online company forum be of help? Is there a log of existing bugs?

What OS, platform and device should this app work on and be tested on?

What kind of data is processed by the application (i.e. personal, credit cards, etc.)?

Does the application integrate with external applications (APIs, data sources)?

Does the app work with certain mobile browsers?

What do existing customers say about the product?

How much time is available for testing?

What priorities and risks are there?

Who is experiencing pain, and why?

How are releases or updates made?

The Creativity Of Testers

Novice user,

Experienced user,




behavior and workflows

Go back when they are not supposed to,

Are impatient and hit keys multiple times,
Enter incorrect data,
Can’t figure out how to do something,
Might not have the required setup,
Might assume they know what they are doing (neglecting to read instructions, for example).
Does it do what it says on the tin?
Does the app perform the tasks it was designed to do?
Does the app perform tasks that it wasn’t designed to do?
How does the app perform when being used consistently or under a load? Is it sluggish? Does it crash? Does it update? Does it give feedback?
Do crash reports give clues about the app?
How can one navigate creatively, logically or negatively around the app?
Does the user trust your brand?
How secure is the user’s data?
Is it possible to break or hack the app?
What happens when you push the app to its limits?
Does the app ask to turn on related services? (e.g. GPS, Wifi)? What if the user does? Or doesn’t?
Where does the app redirect me? To the website? From website to app? Does it cause problems?
Is communication and marketing consistent with the app’s function, design and content?
What is the sign-up process like? Can it be done on the app? On a website?
Does sign-up integrate with other services such as Facebook and Twitter?
Where’s All The Data?- Scenarios
The mobile device is full of data.
The tester removes all of the data.
The tester deletes the app. What happens to the data?
The tester deletes then reinstalls the app.
Too much or too little content causes the design or layout to change.
Working with different times and time zones.
Data does not sync.
Syncing is interrupted.
Data updates affect other services (such as websites and cloud services).
Data is processed rapidly or in large amounts.
Invalid data is used.
test the limits of data
Test the limits of user input,
Play around with duplicate data,
Test on brand new clean phone,
Test on an old phone,
Pre-populate the app with different types of data,
Consider crowd-sourcing the testing,
Automate some tests,
Stress the app with some unexpected data to see how it copes,
Analyze how information and data affects the user experience,
Always question whether what they see is correct,
Creating Errors And Messages
Is the UI for errors acceptable?
Are error messages accessible?
Are error messages consistent?
Are they helpful?
Is the content appropriate?
Do errors adhere to good practices and standards?
Are the error messages security-conscious?
Are logs and crashes accessible to user and developer?
Have all errors been produced in testing?
What state is the user left in after an error message?
Have no errors appeared when they should have?
Platform-Specific Considerations
Does it follow the design guidelines for that particular platform?
How does the design compare with designs by competitors and in the industry?
Does the product work with peripherals?
Does the touchscreen support gestures (tap, double-tap, touch and hold, drag, shake, pinch, flick, swipe)?
Is the app accessible?
What happens when you change the orientation of the device?
Does it make use of mapping and GPS?
Is there a user guide?
Is the email workflow user-friendly?
Does the app work smoothly when sharing through social networks? Does it integrate with other social apps or websites?
Does the app behave properly when the user is multitasking and switching between apps?
Does the app update with a time stamp when the user pulls to refresh?
What are the app’s default settings? Have they been adjusted?
Does audio make a difference?
Connectivity Issues And Interruption
Moving about?
With Wi-Fi connectivity?
Without Wi-Fi?
On 3G?
With intermittent connectivity?
Set to airplane mode?
When a phone call comes in?
While receiving a text message?
When receiving an app notification?
With low or no battery life?
When the app forces an update?
When receiving a voicemail?
Does the app provide adequate feedback?
Does data get transmitted knowingly?
Does it grind to a halt and then crash?
What happens when the app is open?
What happens midway through a task?
Is it possible to lose your work?
Can you ignore a notification? What happens?
Can you respond to a notification? What happens?
Is any (error) messaging appropriate when something goes wrong?
What happens if your log-in expires or times out?
Maintaining The App
When things are changing constantly and quickly, how does it affect your app? Ask yourself:
Can I download the app?
Can I download and install an update?
Does the app still work after updating?
Can I update the app when multiple updates are waiting?
What happens if the OS is updated?
What happens if the OS is not updated?
Does the app automatically sync downloading to other devices via iTunes?
Is it worth automating some tasks or tests?
Does the app communicate with Web services? How would this make a difference?

Friday, November 1, 2013

Using VM and Laptop to Test Workflow related applications. : 50% Productivity Improvement.

Problem Statement:

Testing of workflow related applications with many user roles involved to verify the status/privileges after a transaction is performed.
Using different sessions of IE would degrade the performance of the application to fetch and display the details for different user roles after the transaction is performed by a single user.

Divide the user roles which has major transactions and using the personal laptop and VM,
Login few user roles in laptop and few in VM and this would reduce the load on the single machine and the Test execution time would reduce by atleast 50% than actual time.

Running Automation Script in machine without interrupting routine tasks using Virtual Desktop.

The below tool can be used while executing Test Automation Script more efficiently without interrupting our daily tasks in the same laptop.
Microsoft has provided a tool. - With which we can create multiple virtual desktops.

·         Launch the desktops.exe
·         From taskbar ->desktops->options right click.
Select “alt”, and number.(1,2,3,4)
And also select “Run automatically on logon”.

Now login to site as one user role,
Click alt + 2.
New virtual desktop gets created and launches.
Open IE browser and login to site as another user role.
We can navigate back to first desktop using alt + 1.

Normally Automation tool (QTP) runs only if it is highlighted / active on the desktop.
So when we try to execute the automation script in the laptop, the focus moves frequently on the application which is automated this will interrupt our other tasks.

Using below tool, we can run the Automation script in one session and other tasks in another session.

One drawback:

1)     if we are automating web application on IE browser which requires IE application close/open in the middle of automation, then we will not be able to work with IE Browser seamlessly in another instance created by below tool.